Creating APIs for Local Storage with DreamFactory
Welcome to our guide on how DreamFactory simplifies the process of creating APIs for local Storage, the powerful distributed data warehouse system. In this article, we'll explore how DreamFactory streamlines the integration of local Storage, making it accessible through RESTful APIs.
Unlocking the Power of Local Storage
Local storage is a feature in web development that allows websites to store data directly in the user's browser, persisting even after the browser is closed. It offers a larger storage capacity (typically at least 5 MB per domain) compared to cookies and is specific to each browser and domain, ensuring data stored by one site isn't accessible by another. Unlike cookies, data in local storage doesn't get sent back to the server with every HTTP request, reducing traffic and enhancing load times. It's widely used for saving user preferences, offline application data, and session recovery information.
Generating the Local Storage REST API
To commence generating your Local Storage REST API, you’ll login to the DreamFactory administration interface, navigate to API Generation & Connections and then enter the service creation interface by clicking on the File dropdown button under the API Types submenu. Then, press the + button to start building your API!

Step 1: Select your database
Then, press the “+” button. Then, from the Service Type dropdown, select the Local Storage connector. Next, you’ll be prompted to provide a name, label, and description. The latter two are used just for reference purposes within the administration interface, however the name value is particularly important because as you’ll soon see it will comprise part of the API URL.

Step 2: Provide a name, label, and description for your database
Finally, click on the Advanced Options tab, where you can set your Root Folder or Public Path. For the purpose of this tutorial I’ll stick to the required fields and leave the optional features untouched.

Step 3: Enter database connection credentials
With the credentials in place, just press the Save button at the bottom of the screen, and believe it or not the REST API has been generated!
Instant API Documentation
DreamFactory provides robust API documentation capabilities, automatically generating comprehensive, interactive API docs for every generated API. These docs are available through a web-based interface, allowing developers to explore endpoints, view parameter details, and test API calls directly within the documentation. This feature ensures that APIs are easy to understand, use, and integrate, significantly reducing development time and enhancing collaboration across teams. The documentation is continuously updated to reflect any changes in the API, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Step 4: Interact with your auto-generated API Documentation to find the curl command & request URL
Security & Integration with other Services
As with all DreamFactory REST APIs you will have to secure your Azure Blob Storage database with minimum role based access controls before it can be made public. You can also add headers, add service definitions and script some powerful automated workflows with the DreamFactory scripting engine.
In a few short minutes you can have your Azure Blob Storage ready to integrate alongside any number of other Enterprise applications, data sources or network APIs. DreamFactory also allows you to create, mount and manage any number of third party REST APIs with ease under a unified admin dashboard.